Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thanks For The Honesty, Joe Wilson

Obama's Speech To Congress

The subject was healthcare, and as I had anticipated, Obama didn’t say anything new. The slick Chicago politician was selling snake oil and only the usual Kool-Aid drinkers were buying. The speech was too long on rhetoric and totally out of touch with reality unless one ascribes to the economic policies of the Tooth Fairy.

Lies and fairy tales were in abundance. The President stated, “Healthcare reform will only impact five percent of the population.” And when he got to,“While there remain some significant details to be ironed out," we were treated to something unique in recent joint Congressional speech history – a roar of laughter at the President from the Republican side of the chamber. It was honest laughter and it seemed appropriate.

Pelosi and Biden, seated behind Obama, were not amused. Biden smirked. Pelosi wanted to gavel something. It was a good moment -- too bad they didn’t get it.

Perhaps it was Obama’s audacity that then made him call for bipartisan support after calling his opponents liars. Audacity or no, you don't win your adversaries over to your side by lobbing loaded zingers at them. There was nothing unifying about our Dear Leader, only partisan arrogance.

The President said that no illegal immigrants would have healthcare, prompting the most honest moment of the night when Joe Wilson, a Republican Congressman from South Carolina yelled out, “You lie!”

Yes, it was inappropriate to yell out like that in the Senate Chamber, but after all, it's what the rest of us were thinking.


KyPackrat said...

It was the heckle heart around the world. I loved it. Too bad he apologized.

Mary said...

Joe Wilson is my new hero. I think I'm in love. :)

The Shepherd Report said...

It's unanimous -- we all love Joe Wilson. LOL


getreal said...

Joe Wilson knows that if someone sticks his neck out it may get cut off. I called his DC office to thank him for speaking for me---Also, I was screaming at the tv at the same time!

The Shepherd Report said...

Welcome, getreal. Calling Joe Wilson's office to thank him was a great idea. Wish I'd thought of that!
