Monday, November 1, 2010

Elections Have Consequences

We will not go quietly into that night.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Need A Reason To Vote?

Well, for starters...

  • ObamaCare was written by a committee of Dems whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it.
  • The bill was passed by Congress who didn't read the bill but who knew enough to exempt themselves from it. Ever wonder about that?
  • The bill was signed into law by a president who also hadn’t read it -- and who himself sucks on cigarettes and Nicorette gum.
  • Funding for the bill will be administered by a Treasury Chief who didn’t pay his own taxes -- he said TurboTax was too complicated.
  • The bill will be administered and overseen by a Surgeon General who is moderately obese.
  • And, lastly, ObamaCare will be financed by a country that is broke -- broke -- and going through the worst recession in history.
  • Now, doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy about your healthcare?

There's more bad news -- oh, yes there is, but you get the idea.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembeing When Our President Was A Man

Speech Delivered by President George W. Bush at National Cathedral on September 14, 2001:

"America is a nation full of good fortune, with so much to be grateful for, but we are not spared from suffering.  In every generation, the world has produced enemies of human freedom, and they attacked America because we are freedom's home and defender, and the commitment of our Fathers is now the calling of our time."

President Bush was there for us when, with heavy hearts, distraught emotions and misty eyes, we desperately needed reassurance and hope -- a belief in our own abilities to survive as a nation and to continue on with our lives in the wake of the horrible events of 9-11.  He did not let us down.

Our president manned up to the occasion (which wasn't a difficult stretch for him), and openly showed to us and to the watching world, his moral clarity and his personal abiding faith in God that guides his life.  I shudder to think how disastrously different it would be if (or when) similar circumstances present themselves to us today. 

Thank you, President Bush, and may God bless you.