Monday, August 10, 2009

Did The President Tell Us To Shut Up?

Obama may need to be reminded that he is the president of all the people, not just the ones who agree with him. He's basically telling over half the nation to shut up and fall in line:

INDEED! Obama and his White House are, to put it mildly, being extremely irresponsible with their marching orders to “punch back twice as hard.” Imagine if George W. Bush has said that about move-on dot org or the Code Pink rallies. And what about the White House’s blatant authoritarianism on snitching -- “tell us about dissent in casual conversation”?

I can't help but wonder –- is our president deliberately baiting us? Is he purposely trying to cause turmoil among the people? It would not be the first time he’s used diversionary tactics to distract our attention away from a particular agenda. And make no mistake, this president has an agenda. We always have to watch both of this president's hands. The hand he is showing us is never the hand he is actively using to push something over on us.

That leads me to one of two possible conclusions. Either Obama is the most stupid and totally incompetent president in the history of our country, or he’s the most tyrannically-disposed, agenda-driven socialist ever to hold the office. And, hmmm… Barack Hussein Obama is most definitely not stupid.

The President of the United States is redefining arrogance. If he and his cronies are allowed to continue, he will redefine us all the way into AmeriKa.


Very much worth your time is this photo essay, Nancy and the Astroturfers. With Sebelius telling the unions to keep doing what they’re doing, and Nancy Pelosi calling the protesters Astroturf with swastikas, you can see for yourself who is being “organized by powerful interest groups” (and community organizers) and who are the grassroots protesters. Notice these are actual photos. Note the signs and dress of the participants.

Some captions from this must-see photo essay of Nancy and the Astroturfers:

“…an organizer from Organizing for America, which is the successor organization to Obama for America, which was Obama’s campaign organization. The organizer is demonstrating the use of a bullhorn to a man who appears totally unfamiliar with its use. For a grassroots campaign, this sure is organized! . . . This is the first time in my life that I can recall a government in North America organizing protests of one group of citizens against another. This is standard operating procedure in countries with left-wing governments.”

“This clinic is adjacent to Denver’s day laborer pickup street, Park Avenue. Being fluent in Spanish, El Marco asked these guys “¿hablan ingles?” “casi nada” was the reply from our amigo on the left. I asked him if he could tell me what the signs said. “¿Quien sabe?” (who knows?) was all he said to me, with a big grin. I’m kicking myself for not asking them how much they were getting paid to support the grassroots.”

“My organizer called me.” I said “You’re kidding.” She said, “No, look: he’s right there -pointing to the guy with the bullhorn – he’s from Organizing for America.” At this point, a number of the astroturfers departed, including Laura. She told me that transportation was waiting to take them to Nancy Pelosi’s next event at Highlands Ranch.”

What unconscionable dishonesty from Nancy “I think they’re astroturf” Pelosi. Everything she and her party says they hate, they are. Everything they accuse the opposition of doing, they do.

This is sick, demented, dishonest, disingenuous, insulting and so very, very troubling. Remember Obama’s campaign command for his troops to “get in their faces”? Well, it’s happening today – this week-end, in townhall meetings all across the country. We are witnessing the fight to change us into AmeriKa. And the deck is stacked against us.


"The intellectual establishment is so busy demanding more power for government, more bureaucracy, regulation, spending and -- oh, yes -- more and more taxes, they forgot all about the secret of America's success -- opportunity for people, for all the people. ... Will we heed the pessimists' agenda of higher taxes, more bureaucracy, and a bigger welfare state leading us right back to runaway inflation and economic decay, or will we take the road toward a true opportunity society of economic growth, more jobs, lower tax rates, and rising take-home pay?"
~~ Ronald Reagan ~~


If you're still confused about government health care, stimulus, bailouts, and the coming tsunami of taxes and regulations, there is one simple thing to think about:Never, never, never give the government more power than they already have. "You need blood and He's got more than enough" is never, ever a good idea. You're always next.


And then there's this, from a reader:

A mom in Alabama was involved in organizing a Tea Party and she asked her high school age son if he could help with a commercial she needed to make. Here is the note she wrote:

“I asked Justin if he could help me make a commercial for my group’s Tea Party. He sat down at the laptop for about an hour, and then brought this to me and asked, ‘Is this okay, Mom?’ After I finished watching it, my stomach was in my throat. I wanted my friends to see it. I am so proud!”

You have every right to be proud. It’s very impressive – a powerful video. Turn your sound on and enjoy!

Thanks to Alabama Mom and son, Justin. Job well done!


Mike B said...

We now seem to have returned to those Carvillian days in which no accusation against the administration goes unchallenged, and no accuser unpunished. But worse than that, the goon squads being dispatched are no longer just Beltway types in suits who do their best to discredit the source, they are now ham-fisted thugs who believe that a black eye is the best remedy for any form of dissent. And this administration is now neck-deep in promoting them. Keep telling it like it is.

Laura Roland said...

They're easy to spot. Look for the SEIU t-shirts, Mike.

Nikki, you said a mouthful about having to watch both of Obama's hands.