In every battle there comes a time, a turning point, that determines whether the battle will be won or lost. Sometimes that turning point doesn't come until late in the battle; sometimes it comes early.
We have witnessed such a time.
The debate tonight between John McCain and Barack Obama hasn't even begun, but it's already totally irrelevant to the outcome of the election.
It's over.
The election is over and the winner is Barack Hussein Obama. I freely admit to be choking extremely hard as I type these words, and I assure you I will be overjoyed to eat a plate of crow if I'm proven wrong.
McCain lost the election the day he announced the suspension of his campaign in order to return to Washington to support passage of the bailout bill. That was his campaign killer. He should have stayed on the stump, listened to the will of the people, and then acted on their behalf. But he didn't. It was his game-changing moment and he blew it.
The American people are fed up. We're sick of predatory politicians, arrogant bureaucrats, over-compensated golden-parachuted executives, and the elitist MSM. We're not the least bit inclined to bail out any of them. Call it what they will, but like a rose, a bailout by any other name is still a bailout.
The Wall Street elites and the greedy politicians, primarily the Dems, wanted the bailout but the people on Main Street did not. And we were adamant about it with our emails and calls to our representatives in Washington. Republican and Independent Conservatives did not want it in any shape or form. The market did not want the bailout bill and it reacted by delivering staggering losses. The market knows it has witnessed the nationalization of a major sector of the American economy and it recognizes an enemy of free enterprise.
The poll numbers are hardening and the election has now passed the point of no return. At least 45% of all American voters have made up their mind -- they are voting for Obama, some blindly, and some defiantly. Seven percent of the remaining 55% are leaning in Obama's direction. That happens in elections when the economy turns sour.
There is now no plausible argument to indicate a quick recovery in the credit crisis, and the more the economy tanks, the more the voters will turn to the Democrats. The Republicans are in power in the executive branch only, but fair or not, that's always where the buck stops and the blame drops.
Bill Clinton got it right years ago: "It's the economy, stupid." Elections always come down to the economy and how it affects our everyday lives. We vote with our pocketbooks, our credit cards, our savings, investments, and our disposable income. Anyone who doesn't recognize this is ignorant of history or simply in denial of the workings of human nature.
In the meantime, we will keep working hard for the McCain-Palin ticket and do everything we can to get out the vote. There will be time enough to prepare for the Obama impact.
But God is in control and His ways are not our ways.
Let's not forget it took four years of suffering under Jimmy Carter to give us two terms of the great Ronald Reagan.
Disclaimer: I've spent the day attempting to talk myself in off the ledge, but with the economy tanking and the extremely strong prospect of Obama in the Oval Office, I think I'll just stay out here. I truly believe the above scenario will prove to be correct, but you have no idea how hard I'm praying to be wrong.
Nikki, I was directed to your blog by a friend and I like what I've read thus far. Your kind of insight combined with a liberal amount of common sense is in short supply these days. Come on inside, Nikki. I look forward to more postings from you.:)
Mary, welcome! Glad to have you.
Don't worry about the ledge -- I've only got so much battery power. LOL
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