The New York Times' Jodi Kantor, a journalist for the MSM, solicited children's Facebook accounts in an attempt to dig up dirt for their most recent hit piece on Cindy McCain.
This is the email Jodi Kantor sent to a 16-year old:
September 29 at 7:21pm
I saw on facebook that you went to Xavier, and if you don't mind, I'd love to ask you some advice about a story. I'm a reporter at the New York Times, writing a profile of Cindy McCain, and we are trying to get a sense of what she is like as a mother. So I'm reaching out to fellow parents at her kids' schools. My understanding is that some of her older kids went to Brophy/Xavier, but I'm trying to figure out what school her 16 year old daughter Bridget attends — and a few people said it was PCDS. Do you know if that's right? Again, we're not really reporting on the kids, just seeking some fellow parents who can talk about what Mrs. McCain is like.
Also, if you know anyone else who I should talk to– basically anyone who has encountered Mrs. McCain and might be able to share impressions– that would be great.
Thanks so much for any help you can give me.
Jodi Kantor
Political correspondent
New York Times
212 556 4596
If you disapprove of such tactics, feel free to let Jodi Kantor know what you think.
Very interesting indeed. Sounds like she's trying to dig up gossipy dirt from the kids than a real heart and soul story. And isn't it interesting that if she is *really* trying to talk to other parents at the school, why then does she email the school kids on Facebook and not actually go to the school and meet the parents?
Her methods imbrue the true field of journalism.
Hi Indy,
Glad to see you posting! And, I couldn't agree more with your comment.
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