Thursday, October 21, 2010

Need A Reason To Vote?

Well, for starters...

  • ObamaCare was written by a committee of Dems whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it.
  • The bill was passed by Congress who didn't read the bill but who knew enough to exempt themselves from it. Ever wonder about that?
  • The bill was signed into law by a president who also hadn’t read it -- and who himself sucks on cigarettes and Nicorette gum.
  • Funding for the bill will be administered by a Treasury Chief who didn’t pay his own taxes -- he said TurboTax was too complicated.
  • The bill will be administered and overseen by a Surgeon General who is moderately obese.
  • And, lastly, ObamaCare will be financed by a country that is broke -- broke -- and going through the worst recession in history.
  • Now, doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy about your healthcare?

There's more bad news -- oh, yes there is, but you get the idea.

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