WARNING: This video contains offensive language and physical violence, so consider yourself warned. I post it here because it is important. This is thuggery and it is happening right now in our country, apparently with the approval of government leaders, HHS's Kathleen Sebelius and the White House.
The video contains a vicious attack on a man in St. Louis who was peacefully selling buttons and flags saying, “Don’t Tread on Me.” Kenneth Gladney, an African-American, said he was punched, hit and "roughed up" by another black man wearing an SEIU tee shirt. Gladney said the man yelled at him, demanding to know, "What kind of n***** are you?"
Gladney was treated for his injuries at a hospital and later released. "It just seems there's no freedom of speech without being attacked," he said.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a conference call to the SEIU, during which she greeted her union with, “Brothers and Sisters,” and said “keep doing what you’re doing!”
I'm shocked and sickened. Isn't this Chicago-style thuggery?
It's now very clear to me -- if you oppose Obamacare, you’re a bad person. And if you’re a bad person, you can be labeled anything by the left. If you protest this president’s policies and the way he and his minions are attempting to suppress our right to dissent, then you are a racist. And if you suggest that Kathleen Sebelius and Nancy Pelosi are pompom waving cheerleaders for an organized movement you will probably be labeled a sexist! Well, I guess I'm three for three, so far.
My previous post generated a slew of email and I appreciate each one, and I'm almost finished answering them. I'm even grateful for the dissenters -- even from a reader who said I was not a Christian because I don’t like the policies and practices of our president. Okay. That's his opinion and he's certainly entitled to it -- I'll even defend his right to dissent. No problem from me. I definitely know I am a born again Christian, and I don’t mince words about it. I don't trust President Obama and his left-wing liberals and I don't mince my words about them either. Perhaps I lack nuance or something, but that's the way I am and it will take more than ugly words to ruffle this ol' guard dog.
In fact, I can hardly wait for some gay/lesbian/transgendered community organizer, astroturf-participant or member of congress to wade in with an accusation that my opposition to Obamacare is somehow opposition to gender-tolerance, so I can be called a homophobe, too. Maybe I'll win the Racist/Sexist/Homophobe Trifecta of Nasty Name Calling and Libelous Labeling. That should be a trophy worthy of note.
Back to the video. These people are thugs -- creepy and disgusting people who use evil means to accomplish their ends. And if you don’t like that -- if you think I’m a biased Christian for calling a spade a spade and not a shovel, well I feel absolutely no need to confess anything more than my contempt for what is going on in this country under the guise of false hope and nefariously dishonest change by those busy-body progressives who carry their liberal disease in and out of the shadows like a horde of wide-ranging cockroaches.
So, there you have it. You should probably flag me to the government -- rat me out to the White House -- tell them I'm distributing fishy information. Make it personal -- call me fishy, if it makes you happy. And go ahead and wag your finger and tell me how disappointed you are in me.
I confess I will be more than disappointed in you. But you know what? Disagree as much as we may, you'll always be safe with me because I’ll never rat you out or thug you up.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Sebelius To Thugs, "Continue What You're Doing"
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It’s a character thing. Even I, as pessimistic about the Obama presidency as I was during the campaign, am even more disappointed in him. Impeachment, anyone?
I do not like having to delete comments, but it is your responsibility to express your views using proper language and decorum. When you do not, it then becomes my responsibility to remove them.
You are free to try again but I will not tolerate vile language -- no matter which side of the political spectrum you are supporting.
Nikki Shepherd
Fear not, Nikki, you do not lack the proper nuance. You excel in nuance, you have it in spades - or is that shovels?
AnnieJo H, welcome. Glad to have you aboard.
I don't see impeachment in the near offings, but who knows what will become of things in a few more months. But joy of joys, look at the line of succession -- Biden, Pelosi and Reid. They all make me shudder.
Hi Mary, glad you're still with me. I confess to smiling when I see your pretty U of M logo.
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