Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seniors, AARP is NOT looking out for YOU!


SENIOR ALERT! Here is a chilling conversation with Betsy McCaughey and Fred Thompson about Obama's Federal Government Health Care, aka ObamaCare. This is particularly frightening for senior citizens.

In the ObamaCare Bill, on Page 425, it states the Federal Government will require all senior citizens to undergo a Counseling Session at 5 year intervals -- the objective being to explain how seniors can end their own lives. In brief, all seniors will be given SUICIDE COUNSELING.

Listen if you dare. But listen, you must:

Chilling, isn't it?

Listen to Betsy McCaughey's 2nd visit with Fred:

Why does AARP fail to call attention to this? Where are the voices of one of the largest blocks of voters in the country?

I recognize euthanasia, like abortion, as part of the signs of the end times, but I guess I'm still in shock over finding this one actually included in the Bill and no watchdog groups are sounding the alarm.

As one of my dearest former pastors, Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say, "It's getting dark, friend -- gloriously dark."


Now, on to AARP's Townhall with Obama:

I sat in on Obama's townhall meeting with AARP yesterday, and it wasn't easy to stay awake. Boring. Nothing new from Obama and no tough questions from anyone representing AARP. And, not one single question about Page 425. It was the usual stump speech: You can keep your own doctor... you can keep your own insurance... you can keep your own prunes -- whatever. Just lies, more lies and damned lies.

Obama told lies about how the government plans to deliver more for less, to cover most of the 46 million uninsured Americans while lowering premiums, limiting out-of-pocket expenses and requiring insurance companies to cover preventive care. He lied about a lot of people getting more without anyone getting less, and he lied when he said that two-thirds of the cost of covering everyone in America can be paid for “by money that is already in the health-care system.” He lied again when he said he favors a public option to increase competition and keep costs down, and that he “will not sign a health-care bill that is not deficit neutral” and one that doesn’t lower health-care inflation over the long term. Those aren’t just lies, my friends, those are damned lies.

And judging from the articles on their website and their mailouts and calls to members, AARP is supporting Obama and his lies, and by throwing their support to Obama's government-run healthcare plan, AARP is definitely not acting in the best interest of America's seniors. Instead, AARP, with its massive membership rolls (and accompanying membership fees) has become a powerful political action committee (PAC) that brokers all kinds of insurance to seniors nationwide -- bypassing the constraint of state lines. But there's more.

AARP is a business and my guess is they are being cut in on the insurance for the Obama Plan; thus, they will have a vested interest in helping the Government Health Care Plan succeed. Their primary interest is the P&L -- Profit & Loss -- and their share of ObamaCare will supercharge their profits into the stratosphere.

I repeat, AARP is a business. AARP is not looking out for the best interest of senior citizens. Lest we forget, the Eskimos had an efficient way of managing senior healthcare -- they simply sent the elderly out to sea in an old canoe or on an ice floe. It wasn't exactly the Caribbean cruise Gramma and Grampa envisioned for their golden years, but it accomplished its intended purpose "for the greater good."

For all seniors who are confused about who to listen to regarding health issues, it is definitely not AARP. Once again, it's the usual caveat emptor.


Laura said...

This is vital info that everyone needs to hear. I'm emailing a link to your site to every one on my email list. Thank you so much for sniffing this out. Pg 425 info must be known by everyone - they (Obama etc) must not be allowed to do this. The sob needs to be impeached.

Mary said...


Mike B said...

Your name suits you, Ms Shepherd - you are fearless. Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information re:pg 425. I had no idea that could ever happen in America.

LSUFan said...

I've been emailing my congressmen and my senators every day for a week and I will continue through Aug. Thanks for giving us the links - and the kick in the pants that some of us needed.

czarstoodamnmany said...

AARP members -
did you know AARP charges alot more for your med supp than any other company out there? Did you know you can call your local health care sales representative and save money immediately. Don't be spoofed by their big propaganda still have options.

PolkaKing40 said...

AARP gets a commission on every policy they sell for United Healthcare, Hartford Auto, etc.
They get PAID for every endorsement they make.
#1 Did the obama regime pay for the obamacare endorsement??
#2 The massive mailing that we all received was paid for by WHOM??
#3 If obamacare passes, will AARP become another Acorn, Service Union, GM, Banking, liberal hack outfit, serving the socialist, marksist agenda of BO??? and get paid for it by federal taxes??
My wife and I quit last week, from UHC, and Hartford.. The best thing was, by dumping the AARP sponsored co's., I saved over $650 going elsewhere.
Thanks, you opened my eyes, AND my wallet..

Frank Lynch said...

AARP has always been a sellout. AARP was founded by one of my investment banking clients as a cheap method of selling insurance to seniors.

The insurance products offered by AARP are the among the most expensive Medicare supplement products that I ahve seen.

The AARP executives are worthless.

Everyone should stop paying dues to AARP

Simone said...

How about Graves for Grannies!!!!
Base it on the Cash for Clunkers, Obamacare will now buy a grave for your grandparents if you will simply bring them to the NPCRC (Non-contributing Parasitic Citizen Recycling Center). It is not only your patriotic duty to do so – the mileage is Tax Deductible and granny’s remains will be used to fertilize corn for ethanol! Funny, no? (I'M JOKING!!!!)

The Shepherd Report said...

Laura, I wish we could impeach him but I don't see it -- at least, not yet. I'm afraid it's going to be a very long 3 1/2 years.


The Shepherd Report said...


Thank you!


The Shepherd Report said...

Hi Mike,

Some would say I'm too much so for my own good, but a girl's gotta' do what a girl's gotta' do when it comes to protecting our freedoms.


The Shepherd Report said...


You're welcome!


The Shepherd Report said...


Welcome, so glad to have you. And you're very welcome for any info you can glean here.


The Shepherd Report said...


Thanks for the info.


The Shepherd Report said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Shepherd Report said...


You bring up some interesting questions. It would be good to know the answers, wouldn't it? I don't think we would be too surprised though.


The Shepherd Report said...

Frank Lynch,

Interesting comment, as is such a recognizable name.


The Shepherd Report said...


I've gotta' say it -- I can' help myself, but your comment cracked me up. I laugh everytime I think about it.

Well, it's better than crying and sometime the pressure has got to escape.

Thanks for sharing,