One Of These Things Is Not Like the Others.
My discerning readers will quickly see far beyond the tasks being performed. They will see directly into the differing personal ideologies, strength of character and the moral and visceral fortitude of the three men in these photos. Telling, isn't it?
This is not to say that real men don't hang curtains -- they certainly do when they are needed. But real men do so much more -- they are physical, they work and sweat for the sheer satisfaction of accomplishing something worthwhile. They don't mind getting their hands dirty, or their clothes -- or their faces, for that matter. It's a manly thing and they take it all in stride.
Perhaps Obama has gotten a little sweaty on a basketball court. Great, I hope he has. Now, let's see him cut down a tree. cut it into manageable lengths, carry it to its destination, split and arrange it into usable stacks of firewood.
That would be an episode of genuine Americana I would gladly pay to watch.
HT -- Picture liberated from Mark Alexander at patriotpost.us
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