Never underestimate Obama -- he’s one smooth salesman. He’s deceiving the American people about his liberal revolution. His air of confidence is disturbing in its arrogance. For all of his failure to project optimism about the economy, he has tremendous confidence in one thing: his ability to ram his liberal agenda through Congress before the American people even know what hit them.
One of the most chilling quotes from Obama that I’ve ever read is this, reported by Fred Barnes recently:
When Barack Obama met with TV anchors at a White House luncheon last week, he assured them he likes being president. “And it turns out I’m very good at it,” he stated.
Let that sink in for a moment. Obama had been the president for 44 days and already he was saying he’s “very good at it.”
The stock market is falling every day and he’s “very good at it.” Today the Dow is set to close at 6594.44 and Obama's “very good at it.”
Confidence is one thing. Unashamed hubris is another.
Come to think of it, he’s very good at that too.
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