Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Seniors, AARP is NOT looking out for YOU!


SENIOR ALERT! Here is a chilling conversation with Betsy McCaughey and Fred Thompson about Obama's Federal Government Health Care, aka ObamaCare. This is particularly frightening for senior citizens.

In the ObamaCare Bill, on Page 425, it states the Federal Government will require all senior citizens to undergo a Counseling Session at 5 year intervals -- the objective being to explain how seniors can end their own lives. In brief, all seniors will be given SUICIDE COUNSELING.

Listen if you dare. But listen, you must:

Chilling, isn't it?

Listen to Betsy McCaughey's 2nd visit with Fred:

Why does AARP fail to call attention to this? Where are the voices of one of the largest blocks of voters in the country?

I recognize euthanasia, like abortion, as part of the signs of the end times, but I guess I'm still in shock over finding this one actually included in the Bill and no watchdog groups are sounding the alarm.

As one of my dearest former pastors, Dr. Adrian Rogers used to say, "It's getting dark, friend -- gloriously dark."


Now, on to AARP's Townhall with Obama:

I sat in on Obama's townhall meeting with AARP yesterday, and it wasn't easy to stay awake. Boring. Nothing new from Obama and no tough questions from anyone representing AARP. And, not one single question about Page 425. It was the usual stump speech: You can keep your own doctor... you can keep your own insurance... you can keep your own prunes -- whatever. Just lies, more lies and damned lies.

Obama told lies about how the government plans to deliver more for less, to cover most of the 46 million uninsured Americans while lowering premiums, limiting out-of-pocket expenses and requiring insurance companies to cover preventive care. He lied about a lot of people getting more without anyone getting less, and he lied when he said that two-thirds of the cost of covering everyone in America can be paid for “by money that is already in the health-care system.” He lied again when he said he favors a public option to increase competition and keep costs down, and that he “will not sign a health-care bill that is not deficit neutral” and one that doesn’t lower health-care inflation over the long term. Those aren’t just lies, my friends, those are damned lies.

And judging from the articles on their website and their mailouts and calls to members, AARP is supporting Obama and his lies, and by throwing their support to Obama's government-run healthcare plan, AARP is definitely not acting in the best interest of America's seniors. Instead, AARP, with its massive membership rolls (and accompanying membership fees) has become a powerful political action committee (PAC) that brokers all kinds of insurance to seniors nationwide -- bypassing the constraint of state lines. But there's more.

AARP is a business and my guess is they are being cut in on the insurance for the Obama Plan; thus, they will have a vested interest in helping the Government Health Care Plan succeed. Their primary interest is the P&L -- Profit & Loss -- and their share of ObamaCare will supercharge their profits into the stratosphere.

I repeat, AARP is a business. AARP is not looking out for the best interest of senior citizens. Lest we forget, the Eskimos had an efficient way of managing senior healthcare -- they simply sent the elderly out to sea in an old canoe or on an ice floe. It wasn't exactly the Caribbean cruise Gramma and Grampa envisioned for their golden years, but it accomplished its intended purpose "for the greater good."

For all seniors who are confused about who to listen to regarding health issues, it is definitely not AARP. Once again, it's the usual caveat emptor.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama Gump

Presidents can be like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get.

Obama said Professor Gates is a close friend. A little research on Gates turns up a history of repeated shilling while lecturing students and others. So I have to wonder, does Obama have any close friends who are not race-baiting, anti-white, America-haters?

At least Obama knows "stupidly," even though he obviously doesn't recognize it in himself or in his friend. And obviously, he doesn't exercise good judgment in fielding unscripted questions or he wouldn't have embroiled himself into this mess of pottage. Telling, isn't it?

The President does not owe Sargent Crowley a beer, he owes him a full public apology. Will Obama man-up and do the right thing? Hmmm... My bet is NO. He isn't man enough to apologize to a white policeman. In spite of the rhetoric, the arrogant chip on the president's shoulder is showing.

Victor David Hanson wrote in The National Review, "In the jargon of postmodernism, the president asserted one racial narrative as truth, while most of multiracial America accepted quite another: that Professor’s Gates’s contacts and friendships gave him privileged treatment not accorded to others who scream and blow up at policemen, and that minority males are indeed tragically disproportionately stopped by police because they also, tragically, are more likely to commit felonies. The president’s ossified remark ignored real efforts on the part of police departments to hire African-American officers and chiefs, engage community leaders, and train police in racial sensitivity — all the while dealing with the fact that African-American males commit violent felonies in numbers that vastly exceed their presence in the general population.

None of us gets a pass once we evoke racial identity, not even the president of the United States, not even one of mixed racial heritage. Once we go down that road of racial self-aggrandizement, of seeing each other not by the content of our characters, but by the color of our skins, we invite nemesis — and there will be retribution. Because Barack Obama has consistently emphasized racial identity to further his own advantage, I fear others, both black and white, will be emboldened to follow his polarizing lead — in ways both novel and far more pernicious. We once trusted our uniquely qualified president to help lead us out of our racial morass, but so far he has only pushed us far deeper into it."

Saturday, July 4, 2009


UPDATED. ... I am America. Yes, I am the land you stand on. I am the beautiful amber fields of grain. I am the purple mountain majesty you sing about from sea to shining sea. I am the country to which you pledge your allegiance and for which you fought in battle. I am the way of life for which so many of my citizens have laid down their lives in battlefields near and far.

Since my founding, I have always been the land of the free and the home of the brave, but I am changing and my freedoms are fading fast. Once again, as your forefathers did in 1776, Americans will have to choose between freedom and oppression. I tell you truthfully that tyranny is not far from overtaking us all.

I have a magnificent history, for I was thoughtfully and wisely founded upon three fundamental documents: The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Taken together, these documents form the basis of all my principles, my laws and my heritage.

To destroy these is to destroy all the greatness that I posses, but that is exactly what has been happening.

The destruction of my founding principles can be directly traced to my people’s willful rejection of the Bible as their only source of divine authority. They have expelled God and the Bible from my schools, from my political process, my commerce, from the public square, and from the very way of life I have always provided.

The Declaration of Independence states, "All [men] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It further states that these rights are "self evident" and that they constitute the "Laws of Nature." Did you know these principles are taken directly from the Bible?

The Law of Nature can be found in Romans 2:14-16. That our Creator is the Author of life can be found in Genesis 2:7. That God, not government, is the grantor of liberty can be found in Galatians 5:1. Pursuit of happiness can be found in Ecclesiastes 3:13.

Beyond that, virtually every one of the ten Articles contained in the Bill of Rights has Biblical foundation. The First Amendment recognizes and guarantees the natural right of freedom of speech, the freedom of religion and assembly. Christians are clearly given divine instruction regarding each of these responsibilities. Our founding documents properly established a government designed to "secure these rights." Therefore, under the First Amendment, Christians are free to preach the Gospel and to assemble for worship – any religion of their choice, or none at all. It is the freedom to do so that is a protected Right.

Likewise, the Second Amendment has Biblical foundation. Our Lord said in Luke 11:21, "When a strong man armed his palace, his goods are in peace." In Luke 22:35, 36, He said, "He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."

The Fourth Amendment comes from Deuteronomy 24:10, 11, and the Eighth Amendment originates in Deuteronomy 15: 2, 3. Again, these principles are self evident truths which come from "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God."

Even America's constitutional form of government of three co-equal branches – the legislative, the executive and the judicial come from Isaiah 33:22. Therefore, when my citizens, especially Christian citizens, allow their elected representatives to ignore or violate these founding documents, they are, in essence, allowing them to destroy the very basic underpinnings of my once-great country.

I, as the United States of America, have my roots solidly founded in Protestant Christianity. This is indisputable. But that is not to say that all of my original founders were born-again believers, for some were not. However, all of them, including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin, held the Christian faith to be superior to all others and they understood and agreed that I am a distinctively Christian nation.

Biblical laws and principles formed the cornerstone of my entire system of government and I can never lose my liberty and independence as long as my citizens hold an allegiance to Christian ideology. One does not have to be a practicing Christian to appreciate the primacy and importance of my deeply rooted Christian heritage.

James Madison understood this when he wrote in A Memorial and Remonstrance, 1785, "It is the duty of every man to render to the Creator such homage, and such only as he believes to be acceptable to him. This duty is precedent both in order of time and degree of obligation, to the claims of Civil Society. Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe."

My Christian citizens must demand that their elected leaders actually govern like Christians. They must hold their political leaders accountable to the laws and principles contained in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those who would lead must be held accountable for knowing the application as well as the spirit of these documents, for their original intent was never to protect and grow the size or the power of government, but rather, to protect the citizens from their government. Are you beginning to see where things are getting turned upside down?

Many of my elected leaders are flagrantly violating these principles and destroying my republic. Many of my citizens have never read or studied these documents. They do not know what they say or what they are really about. My citizens have been dumbed down through a politicized and substandard educational system based on revisionist history, pop culture, secular humanism, and political correctness, rather than on truth. They know more about their favorite celebrities than they do about the real life drama playing out daily in D.C. that directly affects each of their lives.

Ronald Reagan, in his Farewell Address wisely warned, “If we forget what we have done, we will forget who we are.” Sadly, many of my people have no understanding of who they are.

To compound their ignorance into apathy, my citizen’s once strong faith in God is being destroyed by their own churches and religious leaders. Multiple denominations are, for a large part, little more than houses of entertainment -- Sunday circuses to entertain and make the people feel better about themselves. In many churches today, there is no right or wrong; there is no more sin -- only mistakes of the mind or heart. Rare it is to find a preacher who stands uncompromisingly on the infallibility of the Bible as God’s Holy Word and boldly proclaims, “Thus saith the Lord...” to a lost and dying world.


Reagan said, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

It’s time to face facts, my dear citizens -- freedom, as envisioned by my Founding Fathers, is dying. I am fast becoming a land of evil hybrids born of atheism, ecumenical Christianity, fascism, socialism, secular progressivism and international capitalism. For 233 years I have stood tall as the world’s greatest bastion of freedom but now I’m speeding toward socialism at a frightening pace.

Obama is moving too fast -- consider the damage he has done in only six months in office. The multiple high-profile bailouts show the walls between government and the private sector are crumbling. Federal government intervention now extends into our financial markets, real estate, private businesses, public corporations, and education. The issue of health care is in the works now, and its outcome is certain to be a disaster for my people. And furthermore, as out-of-control government spending and massive debt increase accordingly, I am rapidly being drained of the economic and political strength my people have worked so hard to achieve and preserve for future generations. Simply stated, Obama is bankrupting America. If this is allowed to continue, it will be the end of me – the end of a bountiful land of plenty, the end of a land of limitless prosperity, the end of freedom.

The current obsession with multiculturalism will bring the end of America's future independence. While I am proud that people of all races and faiths are afforded asylum and freedom here, my people cannot lose their distinctively Christian faith without sacrificing their very existence, for that is the cornerstone upon which America was built.

An example of this truth is Barack Obama, the man who now rules my citizens as their president. He came out from me but he is not of me. He did not spend the majority of his youth growing up in any of my cities or small towns. Though he was born in Hawaii, he moved frequently throughout Indonesia and Asia. He did not learn of my ways because he was never a part of me in his formative years. While he was taught a liberal version of my history, he knows nothing of my innermost heart and my character or of the true spirit of Americana – that indefinable quality that makes my people unique. No, Barack Obama is a stranger to the American way of life – an interloper who returned to my shores to receive his higher education in one of my prestigious, liberal universities. He is a charismatic and charming young man but he has no deep-seated love for me. He is a social reformer with an agenda, and a shallow one at that. In his heart, I am not his country.

He has no pride in being an American. As president, he's traveled the world making apologies for what I am and for the actions I’ve taken. Not once did he speak publicly of any of the great good I have done for the world. Obama loathes all that I stand for and he is out to bring me to my knees, all the while, claiming it's not about him; rather, he claims he is fixing all that's wrong with the American way of life. And, he is not prone to let truth get in the way of making a persuasive argument. Behold, the snake oil salesman with his lies and corruption!

Behind his facade of cool, Obama is an angry American. He spent twenty years as an active member of a church where black liberation theology was routinely preached, yet he claimed he did not hear it. He speaks well, my citizens, but he does not speak truth. As a young man, his friends were American dissidents and radical malcontents of the Marxist-Leninist variety and their influence is obvious in his life today.

And, my dear citizens, the saddest part of all is that he was elected by you – those of you who call yourselves Americans and yet you hate the very things I have always stood for; those of you who voted for change but did not properly inform yourselves as to what that change would be; those of you who voted for Obama because he is a black man -- you voted for race and color of skin rather than for the content of character to which Martin Luther King taught us all to aspire.

As in 1776, Americans must once again choose between liberty and tyranny. Please pray for your country as you’ve never prayed before. Inform yourself of the issues that concern all citizens and then demand that your representatives return to my founding principles.

You may have to fight for me once again and the price may be high. It’s been high before and there were always brave men and women who stepped forward to pay it. The big question now is, will you? Will you fight -- will you pay any price to preserve American freedom for yourselves, your children and your grandchildren?

To those who do not know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the future is certainly dark; however, to those who know Him, He said, “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your head for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

Even so, come Lord Jesus.